With the go-live just months away, whether the Agency will be ready is unknown but what is certain is that the topic is on the minds of many. Here are two recent articles:
Congressional overseers are worried that even the small Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center may not be ready
“With the clock ticking, congressional overseers are worried that even the small Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center may not be ready to start using the new EHR, according to an opening statement for a hearing Wednesday from Susie Lee, chair of the House Veterans Affairs’ technology modernization subcommittee.”
“Mann-Grandstaff, in Spokane, Wash., is scheduled to switch from VistA to Cerner on March 28. The go-live for a larger Seattle-area VA hospital system was postponed this fall until October 2020. Lee said she was worried the VA might not be recognizing the full complexity of the changeover…” Read the full post here.
Source: VA faces EHR grilling – By Darius Tahir, November 20, 2019. POLITICO.
VA on track for Cerner EHR go-live in March
“Veterans Affairs Department leaders reassured lawmakers on Wednesday that the agency is on track to bring its first site live on a new electronic health record system in March.”
“VA Deputy Secretary James Byrne during a hearing with the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee’s Technology Modernization Subcommittee said he was “very confident” that Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center in Spokane, Wash, the first site scheduled to implement the agency’s new EHR, will have a successful go-live…”
“The VA still has a set of configuration, interface development, testing and training tasks to complete in the roughly four months before the implementation, noted Rep. Susie Lee (D-Nev.)…” Read the full article here.
Source: VA on track for Cerner EHR go-live in March – By Jessica Kim Cohen, November 20, 2019. Modern Healthcare.