“We’ve posted previously the long-standing rumor (substantiated by several folks within the Administration) that CMS is working on a guidance document to states to receive their Medicaid funding through a block grant. In June, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) received a guidance document entitled, “State Medicaid Director Letter: Medicaid Value and Accountability Demonstration Opportunity.” This document was widely reported by press as the block grant guidance document. Between June and November of this year, nine different organization (including the American Lung Association, ANCOR, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights) met with officials on OMB to express opinions on the forthcoming guidance. And, just last week, CMS Administrator Seema Verma referenced this guidance in a speech to the National Association of Medicaid Directors.”
“Yesterday, in a surprise move, the pending guidance was listed as withdrawn from OMB. What does all of this mean? Is the block grant guidance dead?”
“While we don’t yet know, but offer a few preliminary thoughts to consider…” Read the full article here.
Source: CMS Withdraws Block Grant Guidance – What’s Next? – By Foley Hoag LLP, November 19, 2019. JD Supra.