“The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced the two agencies will compare information on questionable Veteran health care providers both in VA treatment facilities and through purchased care programs in their communities.”
“VA and CMS expect the first Medicare Sanction data exchange to occur by the end of the year and continue at recurring intervals…”
“Medicare Sanctions include abusive billing practices, felony convictions or improper prescribing practices. Employing CMS protocols provides VA with a proven tool to use data to address potential problems earlier and more systematically. VA will carefully review matches to determine employees’ continued suitability for VA employment and providers’ continuing participation in community care programs and will take swift action to protect Veterans…” Read the full press release here.
Source: VA, Health and Human Services partner to improve health care protections for Veterans – October 29, 2019. VA.