The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Financial Services Center (VA-FSC), Technology Acquisition Center (TAC), located at 23 Christopher Way, Eatontown, New Jersey, intends to issue a modification to firm-fixed price (FFP) contract number VA118-17-C-2462, with Priority 5 Holdings, Inc.
Contract VA118-17-C-2462 was competitively awarded on September 27, 2017 and is being modified to increase the number of concurrent users under the existing Contract. As a result of increased initiatives across VA, additional SaaS users are needed to allow VA senior leadership, Administrations and Staff Offices to manage emergency response situations efficiently. This increase in concurrent users of the existing SaaS tool will allow emergency respondents with the ability to provide consistent bi-directional progress updates during emergency response situations within VA and with the integrated Federal, State, and local emergency management community, and to allow numerous organizations such as Federal, State, and local emergency management community to help support VA s emergency response efforts.