The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Office of Acquisition (OA) on behalf of the National Human Genome Research Institute, (NHGRI), intends to negotiate and award a purchase order on a noncompetitive sole source basis without providing for full and open competition to Emmes Corporation.
The Contractor will also provide the NHGRI OCD with administrative assistance for the Institute’s Data Safety and Monitoring Board (DSMB).
The Contractor shall provide statistical consulting, reports of sample size, power analysis, stopping rules, etc., are required to be delivered by the Contractor to the NHGRI physician or scientist seeking the consultation. For administrative assistance to the DSMB, the deliverables consist of the arranging of DSMB meetings and conference calls, and the preparation of minutes of the meetings, agendas, certificates of compliance with Conflict of Interest rules, and reports of deliberations.