Thursday, March 27, 2025

Press Release: CMS Selects CGI to Optimize Cloud Environment, Enhance and Maintain Medicare Advantage and Part D Data Repository

“CGI (NYSE: GIB) (TSX: GIB.A) announced it has been awarded a five-year contract by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS) to enhance and maintain an optimized cloud environment for the Health Plan Management System (HPMS), CMS’s central data repository for Medicare Advantage and Part D health care plans.”

“The company will leverage its eGovernment best practices and long-term partnership to help innovate delivery on behalf of beneficiaries and ensure that the system is monitored and optimized on a continuous basis. Worth over $60 million, the contract extends CGI’s partnership with HPMS—which dates back to the creation of the system in 2004—for an additional five years and represents the first full and open project awarded under CMS’s Strategic Partners Acquisition Readiness Contract (SPARC).”

“HPMS is a web-enabled, robust, portal for 14,500 users, fully accessible to those with disabilities (Section 508-compliant). CGI has historically delivered HPMS software development and operations support that annually supports 5,000+ active health plans, 1,000+ contract applications and 400+ formularies. With a broad user base comprised of internal staff, private health and drug plans, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and more, AAHPMS acts as the main conduit of health plan-related information into CMS. HPMS helps to manage, monitor and track the annual lifecycle activities required by CMS for the successful vetting, signup and execution of every Medicare Advantage and Part D plan.”

“Under the agreement, CGI is tasked to build a robust and dynamic reporting solution to ensure that 26 applications within HPMS operate effectively and efficiently and optimize an Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud environment while simultaneously deploying continuous integration and continuous delivery. Additionally, CGI will help HPMS remain compliant with all federal requirements, developing and deploying enhancements using both Agile and hybrid iterative approaches. CGI will also modernize a subset of HPMS applications to a more application programming interface (API)/microservices-based architecture, using open source technologies…” Read the full press release here.

Source: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Selects CGI to Optimize Cloud Environment, Enhance and Maintain Medicare Advantage and Part D Data Repository – May 28, 2019. PR Newswire.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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