Why GAO Did This Study:
VA is responsible for providing benefits and services to veterans, including health care, disability compensation, and various types of financial assistance. In fiscal year 2019, VA received a total budget of $201.1 billion and a discretionary budget of $86.6 billion—the largest in VA’s history—to carry out its mission. GAO, along with the VA Inspector General and other entities, continues to identify significant deficiencies in VA’s governance structures and operations—all of which can affect the care provided to our nation’s veterans.
This testimony focuses on the status of VA’s efforts to address GAO’s high-risk designations and open GAO recommendations in the following areas: VA health care, acquisition management, and disability claims workloads and benefit eligibility criteria, among other areas. It is primarily based on GAO’s March 2019 high-risk update and a body of work that spans more than a decade.
What GAO Found:
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has longstanding management challenges. As a result, GAO added several VA programs to its High-Risk List. This list focuses attention on government operations that are most vulnerable to fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement, or in need of transformation. These include managing risks and improving VA health care, VA acquisition management, and improving and modernizing VA disability programs, including managing claims and updating eligibility criteria.
What GAO Recommends:
Since 2000, GAO has made more than 1,200 recommendations to reduce VA’s high-risk challenges, and VA has implemented approximately 70 percent. GAO will continue to monitor VA’s progress in implementing the remaining open recommendations.
Source: GAO: Sustained Leadership Needed to Address High-Risk Issues – May 22, 2019.