“Carestream has been awarded a multimillion-dollar healthcare IT contract for Veterans Affairs hospitals in the Pacific Northwest region, which includes Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska and parts of Montana. Carestream will install its Clinical Collaboration Platform (see video link) throughout VISN 20 healthcare facilities. The implementation of Carestream’s enterprise imaging platform (including Vue PACS, Vue Motion and Vue Archive) will help unify imaging and simplify medical image management…”
“Veterans Affairs representatives evaluated multiple PACS suppliers based on their understanding of customer needs, technical specifications, functionality, project governance, implementation plan and timeline, as well as pricing. Carestream demonstrated compelling advantages for its Vue PACS which include advanced features, efficiency, cost savings and system scalability.”
“In the coming months, Carestream will deploy a single system that will provide a unified source of imaging data, accessible virtually anywhere. The Clinical Collaboration Platform will ensure high system availability, scalability and reliability across the multi-site network. Radiologists will have intuitive tools to help bolster diagnostic confidence and support efficient radiology workflows.”
“Clinicians across the network will also benefit from easy access to images and reports on mobile devices anytime, anywhere with Carestream’s award-winning Vue Motion enterprise viewer (see video link).” Read the full press release here.
Source: VA Hospital Representatives in the Pacific Northwest Select Carestream as Their Enterprise PACS Supplier – January 8, 2019. BusinessWire.