Monday, December 23, 2024

CMS awards 2-month MIDAS extension – Award expected by Feb 1

“This justification authorizes and approves a two (2) month extension until a new award takes place. The current extension ends on 12/31/2018 and we would like to extend the task order to 2/28/2019. As the current transition period ends 3/31/2019, this justification also authorizes and approves shifting the transition period from 1/1/19 to 3/31/19 to 3/1/19 to 5/31/19. By our estimates we should award by 2/1/2019.”

“The need for this task order extension is due to the award date of the MIDAS re-compete moving from August 2018 to February 1,2019. CMS requested revised proposals from the acceptable offerors, which were received on November 19, 2018. The anticipated award date is February 1,2019.”

“… CACI, the current contractor, is the only responsible source that can provide the required services during the extension period of performance, as they are the only contractor that is familiar with operating and maintaining MIDAS and are the only contractor with all of the required personnel to successfully perform the work. This puts CACI in the unique position of being able to continue operating MIDAS on short notice. It would be impossible to on-board a new contractor for the 1-month period due to the amount of time required to ramp up staff, transition in and successfully take over operations…”

Read the full J&A here.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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