This justification is for a 12 month, sole source, Firm Fixed Price order with one 12 month option period against the Agile Delivery of VA imminent Strategic and Operational Requirements (ADVISOR) contract VA119A-15-D-0005 with Enterprise Resource Performance, Inc. (ERPi) for program assessment, evaluation and reporting for the Office of Strategic Integration| Veterans Engineering Resource Center (OSI|VERC) on behalf of the VA Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention 10NC5.
The proposed action is to provide professional services as required by Section 2 of the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans (SAV) Act. Specifically, that the Department of Veterans Affairs, through a contract with an unaffiliated independent third party, conduct an evaluation of the mental health care and suicide prevention programs carried out under the laws administered by the Department and that the evaluation be conducted at least annually, and that the independent evaluator shall submit each evaluation to the Secretary.