Sunday, January 12, 2025

FDA issues RFI related to Scientific Computing Support

“FDA is seeking information and input from the marketplace for project planning purposes regarding the availability of existing or potential solutions for Advanced and Scientific Computing Support…”

“…2. Please cite references of other federal agencies where you currently or previously have provided Scientific or Advanced Research Computing Support and the cost savings and value-adds that you have provided. Please cite specific strategies developed and implemented and return on investments that materialized.
a. What IT solutions have you supported that facilitate collaborative efforts between scientists and partners external to a federal agency, including non-federal partners in academia, private sector, or citizens of foreign nations?
3. Are there any new technologies or scientific techniques that the agency should consider across the research community that will help the agency better accomplish its mission and at the same time reduce costs? Please cite examples of when and where you have implemented these technologies.
4. What experience do you have providing support with Scientific Instruments (i.e. Mass Spectrometer), Statistical Analysis Software, Bioinformatics, and High-Performance Computing? Please provide examples and where applicable, also cite where and how you’ve supported these technologies in federal environments that consist of multiple departments operating under widely varying and sometimes competing business models.
5. How would you address situations where an …”

Read more here.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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