“The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services isn’t doing enough to mitigate improper payments in the Medicaid system and the GAO wants the agency to take action, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office…”
“Medicaid paid $171 billion to managed care organizations and CMS estimated that about 0.3 percent of that went to improper payments while 10 percent of payments in the Medicaid system as a whole were improper, CMS said.”
“GAO analyzed state and federal reviews of managed care and the estimating method after the Energy and Commerce Committee requested the report.”
“The investigation found that current efforts to accurately estimate the improper rate for Medicaid managed care payments fails to include overpayments and unallowable costs…” Read the full article here.
Source: GAO says millions of dollars are slipping through Medicaid cracks – By Beth Jones Sanborn, June 7, 2018. Healthcare Finance.